Monday, June 21, 2010

1 Reload 1 Reload 1

This is a drill that I saw Jason Falla run as part of the 10-8 5 second standards drill. The goal is to shoot three accurate shots while reloading between shots. Typically you would shoot at 7 yards, and try to get all your hits on in an 8" circle. I was shooting rectangular steel plates at 10 yards this day, which is a nice way to train because you don't have to tape targets, and you get a satisfying "ding!" with every hit.

This is a great drill to practice reloads because you can see exactly where you can make up speed. For example, after you pull the trigger you don't need to take another sight picture, so you focus on moving the weak hand directly to your magazine pouch as soon as the shot is broken. It's crazy how much time this saves. Also, you realize just how important a good press out is. The better the press out, the faster and more accurate your shots are after each reload.

You can see in the background I had a target set up to practice the F.A.S.T. drill from For the first time ever I broke 5 seconds with a clean run. After that I got very excited (tense and rushing, in other words), and couldn't get a sub-5 second run without missing on at least one of the head shots. If I slowed down I could shoot clean runs at around 5.5 to 6 seconds. Of course, as soon as I was off the range I figured out what I was doing wrong: I was really overgripping with my right hand on the head shots, thus sending shots below and slightly to the left of the 3X5 card. I think if I can relax my right hand for those two head shots my accuracy at speed should be much, much better. I can't wait to try it again! I want two sub-5 second runs in a row!

I invite you guys to come along with me as we all progress in our shooting abilities and techniques. Post a comment if you have suggestions or have any experience with this or a similar drill!

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