Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Update on the Fusion Project

I've been communicating with Bob Serva, the head of Fusion Firearms. 

Serious question:  How often is it the president of a company that is also the lead customer service representative? 

At the risk of sounding like I'm giving too much of a glowing review of Fusion (and thus sounding like an internet "fanboy" to whom the company can do no wrong), I will say that these guys stay incredibly close to their customers.  I work in an industry where I see constantly senior management that is completely disconnected from their customers - in both small businesses and major multinationals. 

So less than 24 hours after I discovered the problem I have a UPS overnight shipping label sent by Bob, with the promise that they will fit a new slide to my frame.  I'm not sure what the total turn-around time will be, but I'll ask Bob and keep you posted. 

To keep things balanced, here are some basic concerns going forward:  I'm concerned that it's not a good idea to fit multiple slides to a frame - that it may require taking shortcuts with the fitting that will leave me with a fit that isn't as good as what I had before.  I have similar concerns about the barrel and bushing being re-fit to the slide.  If anyone has any experience with this stuff please let me know.

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